Clever ideas, beautiful aesthetics, appropriate humour, attention to detail – with award winning graphic design in the heart of the Somerset Levels it's time to say 'hello' like a pro and be more distinctive, more engaging and communicate more effectively!

Ideas Graphics
Vision is the most dominant human sense and therefore a powerful medium in which to connect and communicate.
Designs centred around clever ideas grab attention and invite mental participation, giving you time with your audience. Visual wit and story-telling deliver the perfect balance of familiarity, intrigue and surprise. On deciphering the idea, the audience mentally reward themselves, creating an affiliation with the communicator – a sense of being ‘on the same wave-length’.
Engaging ideas break through barriers, encourage peer-sharing and leave lasting memories. They contribute to and carry identity, helping to build relationship and encourage buy-in to the message communicated.

Brand Integration
Becoming pieces of branding in the mind of their audience, visual ideas and their creative fulfilment are tailored to strengthen the notion of who is communicating alongside specific messaging. This crafting ensures the design both stands out and fits in, acting as an impactful, positive contribution within a wider communication strategy.
Having deeply explored the subject of branding over the last 15 years, the skill of 'feeling-out' an appropriate creative solution has been well honed. In fact, using the branding process to reflect on itself, Cuckooo is breaking new ground in the industry understanding of this subject, which you are invited to explore … check out Cognitive Branding.
Established in 2007
Award-winning designer Barnaby Adams BA(Hons) Design (Packaging) trades and masquerades as Cuckooo. Clients include the largest of global mega-corporations to the humblest of self-employed individuals, daring enterpreneurs and trail-blazing thinkers.
Barn works as a creative partner, bringing an abundance of energetic creativity and depth of insight. He's a traditional print designer with a necessary eye for detail, increasingly his designs are utilised in digital arenas.
Barn's real passion [obsession] is the subject of branding, for which he's developed a unique and ground-breaking understanding he calls Cognitive Branding.

I'm willing to bet that by now, you've fallen into another branding facade – albeit my own – what the mainstream call 'the brand of Cuckooo'.
As the insights of Cognitive Branding highlight, the idea you're formulating right now, with which YOU are branding me, develops from how you relate to this website (informed by a web of sub-conscious associations). Whilst your composite idea may be extremely convincing (to you), it is as unique as you are, which means there can be no ‘the brand' of Cuckooo. 'The brand' of X, Y or Z is a fallacy – the term becomes nonsensical the more we understand what a 'brand' actually is!
Sit with this insight for a while. If you can hear the subtlety I'm pointing to (and consider the global implication), you might choose to explore the subject more deeply. Join me, as I share the understanding and insights of Cognitive Branding and reflect on its potential to evolve humanity.

News and Reflection
Check out the latest projects, revisit some great oldies, reflect on current affairs through the lens of Conscious Branding and other random bizarreness to bring a little sanity to an utterly bonkers world! More stories >